Basic Video Tests

3.1 SD 408i test pattern Standard defintion (720x480i/60) video: tests for smooth playback, deinterlacing as well as vertical and horizontal resolution with motion.
3.2 HD 1080p/60 test pattern High defintion (1920x1080p/60) video: tests for smooth playback, vertical and horizontal resolution with motion.
3.3 HD 1080i natural image High definition (1920x1080i/60) video: tests for deinterlacing as well as vertical and horizontal resolution with motion.
3.4 Multi picture test A. Two high definition (1920x1080i/60) files scaled with scrolling ticker test A with BrightSign Extensions.
3.4 Multi picture test B. Two high definition (1920x1080i/60) files scaled with scrolling ticker test A without BrightSign Extensions.