Test 3.4: Advanced HLS streaming with cc


A more advanced HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) examples with Closed Captioning (cc)

Closed Captioning (cc) in certain cases CC is a legal requirement. This can be important especially in corporate communications environments. Captioning and subtitling is more than just something nice to offer viewers of commercial content in public spaces. It is a legal requirement to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act and similar legislation throughout the world. As digital signage continues to evolve into a communications tool, not just a selling tool, the importance and obligation of delivering that message to everyone.

Advanced Streaming Example of good video quality Example of poor video quality

Grading the test

4 Plays back cleanly, audio and video are in sync, cc is visible
3 Plays back with periodic glitches, cc not always visible
2 Plays back but barely, not very watchable
0 Doesn't play back at all

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